Guy Mboladinga is a prophet with over 28 years of service in the Kingdom of God. Guy is the founder and General Overseer of Flame of Fire International Ministries (FOFIM) which was founded in 2012 as "Flame of Fire Ministries".
Guy is a prophet with a healing and deliverance ministry. He is also God's watchman. He's a teacher and preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. ​
Guy was born again in 1990 through an open vision of the Trinity where the Lord appear to him in a ball of fire. The following year in December 1991, during a home meeting he was taken to heaven by two Angels where he was given a tour of Heaven, met with the Lord Jesus and God the Father. He was then called by the Lord Jesus to the ministry.
Jesus lay hands on him and called him to be His prophet and commission him to preach and teach the gospel.
He ministered as an Evangelist preaching on the streets and buses of London under the direction of the Holy Spirit for many years.
He will stay at the feet of Pastor Tito Yisuku of The French Speaking church where he was learning and growing faithfully. He serve as the Pastor Personal Assistant and the church Secretary. and member of the Intercessory group for 2 years.
Later, under the leadership of Pastor Freddie Massa, pastor of "L' Assemblée Chretienne Francophone de Londres" (ACFL), the French Speaking Church of London, Guy served as an intercessor covering the Pastor and the church in prayer and a deliverance minister. God begins to use him successfully in healing the sick, in deliverance by cast out demons and ministering to the saints. He started to preach on the home cells around London and Interpreting Guest speaker invited to the Church in French.
Guy spent 6 years serving God's and growing in grace and being prepared for the ministry. In August 1999, Pastor Freddie Massa, Under God's revelation and direction established Guy as the Prophet of the church where he served diligently for 2 years with the power of the prophetic anointing resting upon his ministry with miracles, signs, wonder following his teaching and preaching. In Intercession, in healings, in deliverance and counselling many were blessed.
Then in August 2001, by God's revelation, with the blessing and support of Pastor Freddie Massa and the Board of Elders of ACFL, the French speaking Church, Prophet Guy was release to start His ministry and move to Birmingham (UK) where he launched " Guy Mboladinga Ministries" in 2004.
Prophet Guy moves in the prophetic and has seen many signs, miracles and wonders done by the Holy Spirit. After 8 Years of service Guy was led to change the church name to "Flame Of Fire Ministries" and in 2012 it was born.
While praying and fasting in 2019 prophet Guy was led to change the church to the current name " Flame of Fire International Ministries" (FOFIM) for greater things are yet to come.